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Hi All, <BR><BR>As some of you know Flash started to get some discoloration on his nose, that then led to a sore and odd texture forming. I took him back to the vet yesterday thinking we had to get a biopsy, and mentioned to the vet that I had been giving Flash some "grass saver" supplements so his urine didn't kill the grass, and asked if that might be the cause. <BR><BR>She said "yes" and that some dogs have harsh reactions to over the counter supplements. I thankfully stopped giving him them over 5 days ago and she put Flash on antibiotics to see if that clears it up. <BR><BR>We go back next week for a check up and if that doesn't clear it up we will have to do a biopsy for cancer. I am sure it is a reaction to the pills as the nose is already looking better. If not, it is very coincidental.<BR><BR>If you are using any "grass saver" supplements, make sure to watch your dog for any "allergic" reactions. <BR><BR><BR><BR>Chelsey<BR><br /><hr />Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for HotmailŪ. <a href='http://www.windowslive-hotmail.com/LearnMore/personalize.aspx?ocid=TXT_MSGTX_WL_HM_express_032009#colortheme' target='_new'>See how.</a></body>