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I know this will probably be bounced cause it is not basset hound related but it is dog related. An online friend of mine who helps with all dogs, as a matter of fact she just helped rescue a basset that got adopted by her foster, Arlene Kahn know her. Anyway there is a very special dog just rescued his legs are very damaged he walks on the sides of his legs, it is heart breaking to see. But he is in rescue and getting help. He is also partially blind due to cataracts and a problem with his retinas. They think Jeremiah is only 4 yrs old.He has had one surgery on one leg and has an external fixitive to help straighten it. His bills will be close to $10,000. I know times are bad for everyone. BUT if anyone has a few dollars to help this extremely needy dog you can email me and I will forward you his info. Thank you and I hope you don't bounce this.<BR>
Kind thoughts,<BR>
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