1. Decide to get a puppy<br>2. Get puppy<br>3. Bring puppy home stopping once at an out-of-the-way spot, not a rest stop, to let puppy poop because he is farting enough to fuel the car.<br>4.Get vaccines 2nd shots<br>5. Fall madly in love with puppy<br>
6. On day 4 take puppy outside and watch with horror while he poops...poops...poops...pooops....and it turns from solid to mush to mucus.<br>7. Figure it's the food.<br>8. Have someone remind you about Oprah's puppy, thanksalot.<br>
9. Take puppy out later and watch while he pukes twice.<br>10. Decide between heart attack on the spot and calling Vet.<br>11. Call Vet<br>12. Take in stool sample that stinks up the whole car worse than the farts had.<br>
13. Try not to watch the ELISA tests for Parvo and Giardia for ten minutes.<br>14. Realise the pounding in your temple is the beginning of a migraine<br>15. Have Vet joking around trying to get you to relax. He is too big to strangle but maybe you could just trip him as he goes past laughing at his own jokes.<br>
16. Have someone come in and say your dog is SCREAMING in the Van and it is getting hot outside.<br>17. Have Parvo test negative<br>18 Have Giardia test negative....no wait! A sharp-eyed tech says uh uh, it's Pos.<br>
19. Remember that you, your family, your friends, the Vets and the groomers have all been kissing and playing with the puppy,not to mention the dogs at home.<br>20. Buy a lifetime supply of Flagyl<br>21. Stop and pick up a case of wine and a box of Brownie mix.<br>
22. Hand puppy to husband.<br>23. Take migraine meds, bottle of wine and freshly baked brownies into bedroom. Shut door.<br>24. Lock it.<br><br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper<br>