Last night it rained. Then it got cold and changed to snow.<br>Rain was bad enough. Conley goes out and comes right back in. In honesty, it is a COLD rain,and he is a little boy. By last night housebreaking was pretty much a thing of the past. He would go to the door, turn around and look for someplace warmer and dryer. I would carry him out. He would run for the door, scratch at it and cry piteously. I carried him back out in the yard cooing encouraging phrases as I watched his backside disappear around the corner, headed for the door. I trudge back listening to him weeping and pummeling the door with his little feet.<br>
He peed on the floor by the front door as if to say "I tried to get out this door, where the weather is better, but they wouldn't let me."<br><br>So last night it got cold and by this morning it had stopped raining and started snowing, those huge, fat, wet flakes. I took him out. Snow must be something he is used to, being from Wisconsin, right? El Wrongo.<br>
Snow is definitely NOT on his list of things to enjoy. Shivering, trembling, making tiny sobbing noises, he went about his business, stepping on his ears and grinding them into the slobby wet white stuff, lifting his paws higher, shaking in a combination of horror and cold, rushing full speed for the door the instant he was done. I had to toss stuff in the dog barrel. He followed me (he does this) and the expression on his face was one of deep distress and disgust (He has to be sure I don't get into trouble out there: it's a big old world and I can reach the dog food.).<br>
I have started keeping warm towels in the dryer for him. It's going to be a very long day.<br><br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley (eeeuuuwwww) and Cooper<br>