"If it's cold outside, Roscoe will only go as far out the doggie door
as<br />is necessary to go to the bathroom. This means his front is
out the<br />door and his butt is still inside."<br /><br />Our
Mr. Fuzzy used to do the exact same thing! He'd stand half in and
half out the flap door to pee if it was very cold or raining.
sometimes he would misjudge which side of the door his "anatomy"
was, but we'd give him credit for trying. However, peeing at the top
of the flap door ramp in very cold weather makes for some very interesting
yellow ice sculptures on the ramp.<br /><br />crazy basset lady<br /><br
/>MAKE DROOL NOT WAR <br /><br />Please take time to visit these websites:
<br />Rebec Bassets at www.rebecbassets.com <br />Basset Buddies Rescue,
Inc. at www.bbrescue.org <br /><br />