I know that some of you choose to give the minimal vaccinations and others get all available. I was just wondering thoughts on giving vaccinations to a senior basset. When Maggie will be due for her annual vaccinations she will be less than a month away from turning 10. I do know that rabies is a requirement for the state. I know that I could do titers (sp?) on her when the time comes if my vet will agree. So, I guess I am asking when a basset reaches a certain age---does anyone stop giving the extra vaccinations? I know there will be opposing opinions, but just looking for guidance and the reasoning behind whether to give or not to give. I do opt now to get all available vaccinations for all 4 hounds. We just stay at the office for any reaction to lepto to be safe when they get the vaccination.<div>
Thank you,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>DRool to all in need,<br>Dee, Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver & Cooper<br>