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On vaccines for old guys - since I continue to do rescue and strange and unsual dogs keep showing up at my house, I have continued to vaccinate everyone even to the risk of overvaccinating - rather have a $15 shot than a $500 vet bill and a sick dog! This is the first year I am considering asking for titers do be done on Charles - who is 14.5. I do Bordatella myself, purchasing from Drs. Foster and Smith - it is internasal and easy to give and I don't want anyone to catch kennel cough from a neighborhood dog who is unprotected or a rescue who somehow shows up at my house! Cost was about $50 for 25 doses. I also have the option of giving it every 6 months or every 12 - the buppies who seem to sniff everyone in the neighborhood get it everey 6 months - the old guys who stay at home get it annually.<BR>
On teeth brushing - we always buy good doggy toothpaste - peanut butter or chicken or beef flavor and tartar control! But don't waste money on dog toothbrushes - we just get kid's brushes when they go on sale for 4 for $1.00 - or splurge and pay $1.00 a piece at the Dollar Store! Friends laugh when they see that every dog has their own brush at my house - but do YOU share your toothbrush??? I think not! We have a Clifford The Big Red Dog toothbrush holder for them! We brush teeth almost every night - the dogs love the attention and the routinue and the yummy toothpaste - as far as rinsing goes - PLEASE! These are Bassets! There is plenty of Drool for that! Start with one tooth or two and you should be up to a whole mouth brush after awhile - it tastes good - is nice attention and my guys all can't wait for their turn! So funny to have seen the buppies - even with little bloody holes instead of teeth - begging for their turn! They have Snoopy toothbrushes!<BR>
Here is my subliminal message for the night - BASSETKU, BASSETKU, BASSETKU! Every Bunny needs one in their basket for Easter! Proceeds to Basset Rescue of Florida and House of Puddles! Msg me for more info at <A href="mailto:my4hounds@hotmail.com">my4hounds@hotmail.com</A><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU and the all Bassets all the time BASSETKU!</FONT></EM></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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