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In answer to the question of whether it would be better to adopt a senior or foster, we like the fostering a senior idea. I hate to say this, but when Sunny, the grump of all grumps, went to the bridge, I could not see us with another senior until our young ones got older. Well, that lasted about 2 whole months. Sunny was so hard to get along with and we even had her when she was young, that I couldn't believe it would be possible to get along with a senior who had been given up as a senior. I sure was wrong. <BR>
Shelby has been with us since the end of December. She is a 13 year old bundle of love. She was very brave walking into our little lioness' den. She has been such a joy. Her happiness requirements are simple: regular meals, some outdoor time each day, a soft place to nap, a little attention, and a person to snuggle up to at night. She can't climb stairs so her chauffeur(sp) carries her up to bed each night. <BR>
For an old girl, Shelby has been amazingly adaptable. We think she is just the most wonderful old thing. Ninja may be the alpha here but Shelby could care less. She just ignores the rest of the world. That's alright with us. Right now she is sleeping in her donut with her head hanging out. <BR>
Shelby is pretty amazing in that she has no special medical problems or meds. She runs, plays, and enjoys life like a youngster. <BR>
We would certainly foster a senior again if the right situation came up. I know Shelby is unusual in that she doesn't have the problems that a lot of seniors do. <BR>
I'd better let sleeping dogs lie and go get ready for work. All four are snoring in here with me. It is very peaceful. I love listening to their soft little snores. <BR>
Julie and the Southern Illinois Girls<BR><br /><hr />Rediscover HotmailŪ: Get e-mail storage that grows with you. <a href='http://windowslive.com/RediscoverHotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Rediscover_Storage1_042009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>