Just whens we was taking walks and getting used to being ables to lay in the sun..............I needs to track down the weather man and takes a bite out of his hiney for this one------------wez are supposed to get 5-10 inches of the white stuffs tonight!!! That is tallers thans my bwothers! Then, I is goings to take a bites out of me Mommy. She was gones all day and whens she gots back I sniffed her goods. She smells like my niece Hershey the chocolates labs. Her said her Mommy had a burfday so she droves to be with her. I thinks mys Momma is running rounds behinds me back. SHe seeing other dogs on the sly. Oh whats a day. To tops it off the weathers made me bones hurt and I is a littles stiff. Brings me back the sun PWEASE. No more snows. Iffin my mommy comes homes smelling likes other dogs again I am going to pack up and me moves someplace thats warms. Woe is me.<br clear="all">
<br>Bark at ya later,
<div>Maggie Mae LaRock</div><div>(and Mazzie, Oliver, Cooper and the 2 hamsters too)</div>