Hello everyone, <div>We send drool to da brudder for his latest gastrointestinal experiment. Watson ate a rock once, and let me tell you, it was not the most fun I've ever had (me neeitheur - says Watson). Poor brudders momma is living my worst nightmare - a 2nd obstruction!!! It gives me goosebumps. I was just thinking (knock on wood) last night about how horrible that weekend was for all of us involved and how absolutely disastrous another evening like that would be. We send major drool to Brudder Elwood that his belly stops hurting and the vetpeople heal him up quickly so that he can get back home to his people - Watson absolutely despises the vet so he sends his best drool produced from the tater tots he swiped last night and the poop he ate this morning - now that is some powerful drool headed your way Brudder....we hope you are home safe and well asap!</div>
<div><br></div><div>We also send condolences for those who have left for the bridge. We light a candle every night to make sure you find your way, and Watson sends his extra droolies to the people left behind so that their hearts heal and the happy memories remain. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Stay well everyone, </div><div>Katie and Watson </div>