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Hi fellow droolers, Perhaps it is the misleading flower names, Lili, Daffodil, Buttercup... Buttercup definately got the advice about nail cutting, Not Her Nails Thank You! I even bought one of those Pedicare thingees and Beau does not mind it even though it takes a very long time but Buttercup will have none of it crying and moaning if I even put the thing on next to her much less on her nails. Generally we sneak up on her when she is sleeping and go after the longest one. Speaking of nice names for basset beauties, I came across Che'trez in one of my sci fi novels. It means , in Liaden, Heartsong. Of course there is no Liaden and therefore no Liaden language but hey it's a great name and could be shortened to Cha-Cha, Buttercup and Beau were with us before I stumbled on it. The Liaden Universe is the brainchild of Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, a good read, all of them especailly with a basset head on your lap. I noticed my bubbly Buttercup became very anxious during our walks around strangers. For awhile she would not budge if she saw a strange human doing something like getting out of ther car or yard work. This occurred around 1 yr and she had no abuse in her background. Now she will walk past but eyeing the stranger suspiciously, Beau always a happy-go-lucky guy begins by dragging to the new human then deciding Buttercup may be on the right track and will become uncertain on what to do, get nice petting or bark at the dangerous(maybe) person. Oddly enough the lady at the end of the block, who was never met by either dog was greeted raptously by both bassets. Admittedly she is Sandy the lab's, Mom but still....I wish I knew what makes them like some people and dogs and just hate others. Susan motherslave to Butercup and Beau and those furry things with claws.<br><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_allup_1a_explore_042009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>