Ha ha dis is Nigel an Conley hadda go to traning yestiddey. I done that. You trotsies roun and round in his stupid "ring"whut square an dey gib you treets for standing still an lettin some ole geeser feel up you nebberminds! I done dat too till I tole MomPerson no way hosay am I doin dat ebber agin. So den I gots to go trekking insted which oh much bedder.<br>
Taday she putted dat pore liddel fing onna groomer tebel an fed it treets while she meke he stan still wif he feet just so. If youse askes me he didint do so hot but MPerson act like oh he da bestest liddle squirmey wormey liddel pile ob teef she eber seed. I say DISgustin. I tole Conley not ta ledder do dat to he but he got treets an fink it grate fun liddle ig....ig.....Llewis? Ig? ...whatchu meen he not ig...whadebber?? He dum lika rok. Hecome when she call an go troties aroun dat ring, howsmart is dat?<br>
AM NOT JELLYUS!! You teke dat beke. She lub me bess cuz i kin trek! He way too dum to<br><br>Oh hello Mr. Cooper sir. Nossir we jus sayin how smart da liddel won are. Yessire he wunnerful. Yessir we so glad he heer. Thenk you sir yessir we be goin now (send dat Llewis hurry up hurry up)<br>
<br>Love an Drool.<br>Nigel an Llewis<br>