<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>Thanks again to all who donated to Mango's FirstGiving page. We had raised $525 so far, than last night there was another $225 that came in and I was thrilled...Then (drum roll please) there was an anonymous donation of $1750 (!!) that put us to our goal of $2500! Now Mango is assured of the care that she needs to start feeling better.<br><br>I am concerned about her stomach more and more. She vomited a couple of times yesterday and still only wants to eat small amounts. She prefers dry kibble only and sort of nibbles at it, a few bites here and there. I've been giving her small amounts more often because I can't leave kibble out to free feed - it would just be a food orgy and a bunch of gorged hounds would be staggering around with bloated bellies. So she goes in her crate with her bits of dry food and finishes it up. Little Mango is still quite skinny and I'm having trouble getting weight on her too. We are set for the next step starting Sat. with the xray, then a week from today as the procedure day, but I really wish we were doing it sooner. I'm hoping without me accidiently over feeding her the vomiting will stop and we can make it that long. Other wise I'll need to push for more, or go to one of the referral centers. It will be more expensive, but everything will get done. I want my regular vet to do everything though, if he can. So paws are crossed that she can manage through the week.<br><br>I just had to share the good news and a big thank you to everyone!!!! We are sending drool to all who need it, especially to Dawn for losing Barnaby, and any others who have send hounds to the Bridge. I'm a little behind with everthing this week, but we do think about everyone and send drool when we read the posts.<br><br>Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time<br>Bud, Barney, Zuma, Kahuna, Pearl, Mango (somebody loves me!)<br>Ace, Maya, Sage<br>Kirby the Saint foster (where are the candy stripers?)<br><br>PS Kirby is still at Tufts. Temp went up some, then down yesterday to 104, but not down as much as expected. They are still investigating, but if the temp gets back down to normal he will be able to come home. I hope today or tomorrow at the latest....<br></div></body></html>