Dis Nigel an Llewis an boy we juss hed a vesnhshure in da middel ob da day! MomPerson still huffin an say her Beep bout three hunnert ober three hunnert whaddebber dat meen. An it allllll dat liddel biddy Conley's fawlt!<br>
See hear whut happent.<br>Da sun come out.<br>MomPerson look ousside see da sun an kick we outta da hawse(so mebbe it she fawlt). Ebberbody ebben liddel Mr. Teef. He go bouncin roun da yard like---who dat like you say, Llewis? Somewon nemed TIGGER. (Llewis red dis neme inna book about a bare.) So da liddel won he boinging roun like da pingerpnger ball when he git to da beke ob da yard by da trees an stopt an beke up an start da barkin or whut he fink are barking. YARKYARKYARK. An he keep it up.<br>
So finely Mr.Cooper Sir he wanner ober an he get all scited an start barkin reel meen an tryina git Conley move beke. So den we all run ober barkin an sees dis liddel biddy FING onna groun all skeert wif it hair all uppity an it hisssssin but it like Conley too liddel to be skeery, so Conley he go closer an Mr.Cooper Sir he neerly hab a hart failyure ettack an he get in fronta Conley reely barkin meen at he an Conley beke away an MomPerson comin now runnin (she nose we "got sumfin")<br>
And den we seen IT.<br>Den we see why Mr. Cooper Sir been so crazie.<br>Comin down da tree full speedo ahed come a GREAT BIG verzhun ob da liddel fing, an dis won reely mad!! Dis a biggie, an it all hopt up wif fur astandin and hisses an weeard noisies ggrrrrrs an a kinder chitter an Cooper goin nutso an now MomPerson she grabt a big stik an yellin at we git away git away back back git away LEEB IT LEEB IT LEEBIT!!! And she soun reel seriyus so Nigel an Llewis we not dum we bekes away an Conley gits grabt by da scruff an wisked outta dere an Cooper he beke way up and MomPerson meke we all go inna hawse an den she go beke out.<br>
We not nose whut she done. She tuk da shobel but she dint youse it. She stan dere watchin from aways an wait and wait an den she come beke in, not let we ousside agin for bout a hour.<br>We use we noses when we wented out but ebberone all gone. It mystree to we.<br>
MomPerson gone finish dis.<br><br>What they had found was a very young raccoon who had apparently been dropped or fallen during a move. The trouble was, Mama was also right there, and she would have shredded Conley AND the others in her defense of the baby. Once the dogs were inside, she must have grabbed that kid and run like hell because when I went back out there was no sign of her or the baby anywhere. Thank heaven the dogs are noisey and so chicken. No one was in any real danger except Conley and Cooper, who were too near, and Cooper was only close because he was trying to get between Conley and the raccoon.Cooper DOES KNOW what raccoons are, he has been firmly taught to leave them way alone.<br>
I suspect the Mama was a bit cowed by the presence of so many dogs, and my approach. which was deliberately noisey, also stalled her.<br>I am so glad she got the baby before the boys did. I don't know if they would have killed it, but I think they would have slobbered it to death. (Actually, I think they would have killed it.)<br>
<br>MomPerson, who is tempted to crate everyone for the rest of their lives.<br>