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15 years ago, when Winnie (ATB) was an only dog, we were the center of her universe. Flattering, but an awesome responsibility. When we adopted Charles, they were like bookends - always together on the bed or couch - ate, played and slept together. Now there were twice the food bills and twice the vet bills but half the entertainment time as they played together and twice the love and joy.<BR>
I must warn you, tho, that numbers 3, 4 and 5 seemed to follow fairly seemlessly, as There Is Always Room For One More Dog - as my plaque on the wall reads!<BR>
Kathi Nali has 4 and she says that way everybody has a bestest furrend and her 2 younger and 2 elder are best of furrends!<BR>
Well with my husband overseas and my girls grown up and flown the nest, all 5 dogs are my bestest furrends and each one joined our lives for a reason and at a special time.<BR>
In these trying economic times my only caveat is do not adopt more dogs than you can afford to feed and vet, but, by all means, ADOPT don't SHOP and rescue your new best friend today!!! <BR><BR><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU and the all Bassets all the time BASSETKU!</FONT></EM></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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