<div>Name suggestions: Violet (Judy beat me to the punch :-), Amy, short for Amethyst, or Iris.</div>
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<div>Heart-healing drool to Marilyn on the loss of Gus and Liz -- I'm so sorry. We have sent cookie money too. Elder Clara is an inspiration to us all.</div>
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<div>Emily, I love Dr. Fox's column in my local paper. How timely because this question ran last week:</div>
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<div><a href="http://www.twobitdog.com/DrFox/ShowDrFoxArticle.aspx?ID=919">http://www.twobitdog.com/DrFox/ShowDrFoxArticle.aspx?ID=919</a></div>
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<div>I would simply tell your husband that a nationally-recognized animal care expert says most dogs are happiest living in small packs of 3-5. I'm trying to use that as ammunition to suggest to my husband that 4 would be the perfect number (I have 3 now). :-)</div>
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<div>So much drool to sling. Good thing Henry's allergies are full bore and in addition to sneezing and rubbing his eyes to the point of getting pink eye (yes Lucy, I had my trip to the emergency vet for red, goopy eyes too), he also drools and proceeds to goober all over himself when he sneezes and shakes his head. So we have plenty. Drool to Watson with parvo, to the poor 4 week old puppy with Iowa basset hound rescue (and a clout to the head for the idiot who separated it from its mother), for Kirby (we're glad you're home), and for Mango (we'll keep the drool coming til you're better).</div>
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<div>And happy wishes too! Happy birthday Otter. We loved your hat. Happy birthday to Ms. Beasley, a very special hero who saved her auntie from the gas leak! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>