<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>Hi and thanks again for all the drool! Kirby is doing great. He is getting stronger and eating like a horse (total of 7 cups of kibble and 1 can today). His breathing is still a little heavy when he moves around but better all the time. And as long as I put his pills in Cheese Whiz he just chomps them down.<br><br>Miss Mango decided to speed things up a bit. She has been having some GI trouble this week. A little vomiting, so I took her back to rice and ground meat, then diarrhea that advanced to bloody liquid today. She also was quite uncomfortable, seemed to have stomach pain today, and was much more depressed. So we had a visit to the vet at 8:30 tonight. He took her xray now instead of in the morning as we had planned, and the good news is that her stomach looks fine - no mass or foreign body. She may have some delayed emptying of her stomach, and require some Reglan for a time, but nothing extraordinary. It appears it's just a gastritis/colitis as she tries to adjust to a new diet. She is so thin, I hate that she needs to be fasted, but he is keeping her over night to watch. She has been drinking and is not dehydrated, but we want to make sure things don't get worse. She will probably come home tomorrow. This means that her surgery will be canceled on Monday, but when the vet feels it is safe to reschedule he doesn't foresee any problems with removing all her masses and fixing her right up! I did tell him that since she has her firstgiving page, she is independently wealthy and will be paying her own bills....I don't think he believed me LOL. <br><br>I'm really ready for bed and a good night's sleep - I'll get Kirby out, then everyone else, and we will all turn in and hope for sweet dreams!<br><br>We are sending drool out to anyone who needs it - I think our immediate needs for it are over.<br><br>Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time<br>Bud, Barney, Zuma, Kahuna, Pearl, Mango, in transit Bodhi<br>Ace, Maya, Sage<br>Kirby, from the basement<br></div></body></html>