<div> Dozer Boneworthy here, Hunter Extraordinaire. Yes, this is true. I
will not share the details but only that I have conquered that creature
who had the audacity to come into MY yard and did not leave when
ordered to. I put an end to his miserable life and then carried my
trophy inside only to receive a less-than-pleased response from the
she-slave. In fact, after she stopped screaming I was soundly scolded
then checked over for wounds. Harumph...what kind of Hunter does she
think she is dealing with? The yard is safe once again! If I left it
to the "youngsters" nothing would get done... <br>
Best regards, <br>
Dozer Boneworthy Lowrider <br>
Mama here - It has been raining on and off for several days. Last
night, however, my usually rain intolerant hounds gleefully went
outside in the yard and actually stayed out for a bit. THAT should
have been the tip off. As they came in, one by one, I toweled them
off. Dozer did not stop for his usual pets but instead went to the far
end of the couch on the floor and sat down and began to lick his paws.
When his turn for being toweled came I walked over to where he was
sitting and nearly had a stroke, then and there! In front of him on
the floor was a small possum. Knowing their propensity for "playing
dead" (even though it sure looked that way) I went and got a garbage
bag and ever so carefully began to slide it into the bag. As I picked
it up Dozer grabbed it in his mouth again. For the first time, EVER, I
think, the shrill "LEAVE IT" worked instantaneously and he immediately
let go and I quickly stuffed it in the bag. It was then that I noticed
a fair amount of blood on the floor where it had been laying so I don't
think it was "playing possum" this time. I was horrified that he had
actually done this and shocked that out of all of them it was our
senior hound who had done the deed. I checked him over for
bites/scratches etc. but found nothing, thank dawg. I checked the bag
in the bottom of the garbage can this morning on the way to work and it
was, indeed, still dead. <br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to The Belles and The Boys - Daisy "Did ya see what he
had, huh Mama?" Delilah "That is the most disgusting thing I have even
seen." Dudley - "What is it, Doz?....c'mon, tell me what it is! And
Dozer...whose Mama didn't think he had it in him... <br>
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