<div>First of all, the boys here are sending drool to all of those who need it! So sad to hear of the recent bridge departures! And, happy gotcha days and birfdays to those having them!</div>
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<div>As for coyotes, we have them around here as well. There's been a fully functional pack of coyotes around here for quite a few years! (We're now surrounded by industrial parks, it used to be all farm fields). For the most part, they don't hurt anyone, are still relatively afraid of humans (some of my co-workers saw one last winter, and went out to try and coax it in or pet it or something. I have no idea what they were trying to do, but they were bent on trying to get up close to it!) and, the coyote ran for the hills! Crispin, our spaniel mix, sings to them! That's how we found out he could howl, he was talking to the coyotes one night about 3 am. We have an orchard behind our house (and beyond the fence now), and we do still see them back there occasionally. Usually, they hear the herd barking, come close enough to see what all the racket is, then scram. But, yesterday morning (about 2 or 3 am), my parent's boys (Crispin the spaniel & Checkers the bagel) demanded to go out, NOW! They patrolled the perimiter, which's normal, but apparently also saw a coyote, as they were all over the fence! It just kept motoring across the orchard, did some sniffing, and left to try and find another bunny, or other small critter. Well, apparently Checkers (who's over zelous, and tries to feign being "top dog") got overly cocky, and decided to tell that coyote who's yard it was, and doesn't he forget it!! Apparently Checkers some how found a rough spot in the fencing and now has a scratched/cut snooter!! He's fine, but his nose was bleeding some yesterday, and mom & I were trying to put neosporin on it. He can be a squirmy little bugger when he wants to be!</div>
<div><br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br></div>