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Tom, <BR>
We are sending special drools to your fellow soldier for him, his wife and family. We are so very sorry for what he has to go throught these coming months as we have a friend who recently went through the same thing with her son. <BR>
But we also want to send special drools to you and your friends who are headed out with you to protect us and our freedom. We send you our love and keep all of you in our prayers these coming months away from your famlly. Thank you all for what you are doing. <BR>
Hugs and drools.<BR>
Bob, Diane and Ella Louise Basset<BR><br /><hr />HotmailŪ goes with you. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Mobile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Mobile1_052009' target='_new'>Get it on your BlackBerry or iPhone.</a></body>