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We are sending drool to the families of Jellybean, Elwood and Murphy. We are lighting candles for them tonight. Also drool and our condolences to Momperson on the loss of her friend. We are so sorry for all the sadness.<br><br>Happy Birthday to Bob and Petey!!<br><br>We could use a little drool for my friend Patty, her xh had their dog Corky this weekend and lost him Sunday. He is deaf, doesn't see very well and is 13 years old. They have been looking for him nonstop since Sunday and haven't seen or heard anything. If any droolers in North Eastern WI hear of a Cocker Spaniel that was found in the Little Chute area please let me know.<br><br>Drool for everyone in need,<br><br>Kim with Gunter, Wulfgang and t<a title="Send" href="javascript:;" onclick="if(window.ComposeContactPicker)return Control.invokeStatic('ComposeContactPicker', 'sendMessagePrep', event, null);" id="SendMessage"><span class="Label"></span></a>he cats (George, Chloe, Stevie and Onyx ATB)<br><br /><hr />HotmailŪ goes with you. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Mobile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Mobile1_052009' target='_new'>Get it on your BlackBerry or iPhone.</a></body>