<div>I've fallen behind this week on my drools and in catching up am heartbroken at what a sad week it has been. Hearthealing drool to Kacy and Bev on the loss of their friends Melissa and Bobbie. I am so sorry for your loss.</div>
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<div>Hearthealing drool to Kathy, Tammara, and Gina on the loss of your precious furbabies Elwood, Murphy, and Jellybelly. Take comfort in knowing that you helped your beloved friends to a much better place, where they wait for you young and free of pain. You are in my thoughts.</div>
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<div>Becky, what a lovely tribute to Pumbaa on his Gotcha Day. I hadn't realized you only had him 18 months -- the love the two of you had was so deep it transcended that short period of time.</div>
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<div>Drool for Elsinore and her kidney stone, and for Conley and his sore teeth.</div>
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<div>And a few happy things. I'm so glad Fizban's tumor doesn't seem to be cancer, and hope he makes a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Maggie Mae for her Gotcha Day and to Bootstrap Bill for his birthday. Welcome to Ana and Lilly!</div>
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<div>And finally, I loved your story Ruthie about Ms. Beasley's friend Curtis. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>