<div>As warm So Cal weather sets in here in San Diego, my Sr. basset Copper seems to have developed a new issue. In his front legpits he seems to have worn off the fur in almost a hot-spot type fashion. It's red an irritated, and it has some light yellow, yeasty looking material gooped in there. (Sorry for the ewww factor there.)</div>
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<div>I strongly suspect that it's a product of his huge belly and legs rubbing against each other as he walks, although how he could have walked enough to cause this is beyond me. Walking for him consists of to and from the water dish and food bowl to the couch or dog bed of his choice (a span of maybe 30ft tops. And if we're lucky, he will deign to travel two blocks total roundtrip for his time outside to do his business several times a day. Usually though it's half a block before he's done and ready to head back in.</div>
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<div>Now, he came to us at a starving 26lbs at 9 years old, and we spent about 7 months packing him up to a healthy 55lbs. However, with his arthritis, and his tendency to be as sedentary as he can get away with, he's porked up a bit over the winter and is pushing 65lbs now, possibly more. I'm sure this is the reason this has now become an issue, I'm just not quite sure what to do about it.</div>
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<div>Obviously I should try to get some weight off of him (rotflol, yeah that'll work), but in the meantime how should I treat/prevent this? It's only going to get warmer here soon and he doesn't tolerate walking in the heat well as it is. Sore legpits is going to make it worse. I cleaned them, which didn't seem to bother him in the least, and sprayed them with NutriVet Cool Skin spray for hot spots. Is there anything else I should be doing? Knowing the basset's tendency towards being as large as they can get away with, this must be a fairly common problem in the warmer and more humid areas.</div>
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<div>Brenda- momslave to Copper (No way am I going on a diet!) and Elphaba (I'm trim and fit so this is not an issue for me yet.)</div>