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None of of bassets have Addison's but our mixed breed Francie ATB developed Addison's requiring an emergency vet trip. She was very sick but pulled through. First we had her on pills but then she had another Addison's crisis and we switched to getting her shot, in her cas she needed one every 3 weeks. She also took prednizone every other day. We noticed she was spending time in the dark bedroom, having a little difficulty eating and spotted a small amount of blook in her saliva, so when I took her in for her shot I had the doctor chech her mouth, She had a large tumor under her tongue, she went in the back for a biopsy and the tumor burts. I went back to see her , she was under anathsetic so I could not say good=bye or love her up a little. All I could do was let her go in peace with no pain. She was 12 yrs old and until this very spry and happy. My advice to to have your vet check Vinny out regularly for cancerous tumors in odd places like the mouth. Like I said she was a happy girl and enjoyed her life, the Addison's did not bother her a bit. Sue K, Momperson to Buttercup and Beau and maybe a new little girl basset soon, a Missouri rescue<br><br /><hr />HotmailŪ has a new way to see what's up with your friends. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/WhatsNew?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_WhatsNew1_052009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>