<div> 'S me, the Dudster, pawin' in from Jersey. See, Iz still a
tryin' to be like my hero, Brudder Elwood. I's a lean, mean...wut?
Okay, I not supposed to be mean but sometimes dat Dozeman he gets in my
space, ya knowz? An I gotz to tell 'im dat my space is
pribit...Anyroo, I hads to share sumpin wut da Mama tolded me today
wut her sedz was a good fing. See, eben thow I gotz me big boy teef
now, I stillz gets da needz to chew on sumpin gud ebbery now and den.
I hab me own stuffies and squeekies an' stuff but deyz boring. I like
newz stuffz. Like wut on Dadslabe's tebble or in he bafroom. So, dis
afternoon I put me feetz on he tebble and gotted sumpin good to work my
toofbones aroun'. Now, dis be okayz iffen da Mama hadna seed me do
dis. <br>
"Wut you gotz, Dudder?" I gibbed her my best "are u tawking to me?"
look but she not buyin' it. So's I put down my lipperflaps so's it
looked like I didden hab nuffin. She not buyin' dat eeber. <br>
"Let me see wut u gotz, Dud...right now!" An' her hab her I meen
buzyness boice on...so's I let jest a liddel ob wut wuz in dere show
unner my lipperflaps. <br>
"Dud, those are Daddy's heeryade batrees! You can't hab dem!" her sez. <br>
Yeah, wite...me finks but den her ize get all fires in dem...and dat skeery! Den she done sed da wurds "DUDDY - LEEB IT!"<br>
An, I leebed it! Dis was da furstest time I leebed anyfing wut her
telled me. I userly jest run away, hehehehehe. But, dis time I node
her meened buzyness. <br>
An' gess wut? Her tolded me I was a beery gud boy! Her bestest
boy...an' her lubbed on me an petted me and gibbed me ear 'krichy's an
ebberyfing. So dere, Dozie...U not do ONLIESt goodest boy...<br>
Mama here - yes, I thought I was dreaming. Despite a stern "I mean
business, Buster" voice on previous occasions, Dud would never
surrender anything which found its way into his choppers without a
treat trade. Today, he shocked me when he allowed me to take it from
him without a protest or an attempt at escaping. Sigh...maybe he
received a free trial installment of his big boy brains, LOL.<br>
Sandi, Mama of The Belles and The Boys - Daisy, Delilah, Dozer (the
little whippersnapper is still a snot!) and Dudley - See, Mama - I AM a
big boy!<br>
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