Dis Brudder Elwood. Brudder Elwood whut was a hopin to be a restin alll week affer da biggie trip. But dat ain't a gonna heppin round me home. We gotz da hooman problumz. So it be up to da Brudder to teke charge, git me cookin apron on, hab da dishpan pawz.<br>
Momma berry sickie.<br>
Daddy hab suffin called da surgeriez.<br>
Daddy hom, he doing, he gotz to rest fur a few ob dem deyz, but da Momma gotz summfin called PEEMOANYA. Da Brudder not be a knowing whut dis is, but it meke Momma mean, snappy, an she scare da Brudder wif all dat noise she be a mekeing. Her nosebone a mekein noise, her doin da hackhackhack,herz earflapz ain't a wurkin rite, an she a layin round like I nebber seez. Brudder Jake try to git on da couch wif her and he now a hidin out by da fence. Fings not gud.<br>
Brudder Elwood work nebber dun. I gonna run da home, git fings in houndie shape fur Momma.<br>
So iffin youze got any droolz left out dere, send it to me home. We be in da shamblez round here.<br>
Fank youze from da Brudder Elwood<div id='MAILCIAMB024-5bb84a1473e3273' class='aol_ad_footer'><br/><font style="color:black;font:normal 10pt arial,san-serif;"> <hr style="margin-top:10px"/><A HREF=http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1222399266x1201456865/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net%2Fclk%3B215073777%3B37034343%3Bf>Dell Inspiron 15 Laptop: Now in 6 vibrant colors! Shop Dell's full line of laptops.</A></font> </div>