<div>(Sorry if this is a duplicate - I sent it this morning and it didnt come through in issue 8 but it is showing up in the archives between two posts that were in issue 8 so I am sending again) </div>
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<div>Today is Ruperts 1st gotcha day anniversary! </div>
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<div>I had met him last April at an all-breed canine event with cowboy, and was of course drawn to him since he was a basset. I told James and begged to go meet Rupert "just to see" how Cow would get along in a more private setting. I emailed the rescue lady several times about my interest in him and wanting to adopt, etc. But timing and brother-in-laws and life kept getting in the way so by mid-may we still hadnt made any progress in even meeting Rupert. </div>
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<div>I finally got James to agree to meet him on Weds 5/21. We planned to go after I got off work, Rupert was being held at a doggie daycare facility so it would be a perfect place to watch him interact with Cow. Well much to my dismay I called when I got off work and was told that Ru had been adopted that morning! I was devastated. Happy he'd found a home but so sad we were just a day late. I called James, crying of course. He told me to just come home, that there were plenty of dogs out there needing homes. </div>
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<div>I come home and who is sitting on my couch? A big old red and white lug named Rupert. Happy happy joy joy! </div>
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<div>But thats was only the beginning. For 3 days straight Cowboy humped Rupert. Not kidding, it was literally non-stop. Rupert just took it like a champ, basically accepting the fact that his new brother was a pedophile. I emailed the drool seeking help, seriously torn on whether or not to return Ru to rescue. Everyone gave great advice, of course, supporting us and encouraging us to keep trying. </div>
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<div>Then magically, on Day 4 Cowboy stopped humping. They began playing, chasing, fighting, cuddling, etc. Now one year later and Rupert has taken over the apha role. They play and fight like brothers should and they keep us laughing everyday. Rupert has entered OEBEhood, he loves to hog the bed and he is attached to my hip but not in a needy annoying way - just a i-love-my-mommy-best kind of way. :) </div>
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<div>Thanks to everyone for everything you've helped me with over the past year. (2 years if you count Cow) We are so blessed to have two amazing hound dogs and a wonderful group of people who care about our hounds as if they were their own. </div>
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<div>Happy Gotcha Day Ruey, I lub ya!<br clear="all"></div>
<div>Kacy w/Cow (dont tell anyone but i really do lub my brudder) </div>
<div>and Ru (so does this mean i get lotsa yummy treats today? and walks? and toys? and pets? and and and.......)</div>
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<div>DD Calendar 8/7/09</div>
<div><a href="http://www.kacyg.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">www.kacyg.blogspot.com</a> <br><a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112" target="_blank">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112</a> <br><a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430" target="_blank">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430</a> <br>
<br><br></div></div><br><br clear="all">
<div></div><br>-- <br>Kacy <br><a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112</a><br><a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430</a><br><br><br>