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Beau shares Rusty's sentiments on life with girl houndies. On Sat we brought home Honey, a 1 and 0ne-half yr old fremal rescue from Mo, we are across the river in IL and Mo has a notorious problem with puppy mills which add to the usual stray problem. Honey is a sweetie but not su much she is willing to be mauled in play, girls and their ears! We seemed to be doing pretty good except Buttercup irrational behavior about treats and food, she should consult with Miss Angela. Hubby and resident computer guru went off to Philly for a few days of science meeting and sight-seeing. Hubby is fond of zoos and Philly has one. Thhis left me in charge, so I promptly get a corneal abrasion of the eye, not uncommon for someone with Sjogrens syndrome but as usual most inconvient. They hurt and you are blinded by light. Honey develops kennel cough, non-resident computer guru is ther to help out after work. Good-bye $75 dollars, last night Beau refused to eat his dinner, not good, Beau eats everything including digital cameras. This morning Beau refuses breakfast and does a lot of vomiting. Guro is off today, thank goodness and takes us to vet, x-ray machine is not funtioning properly, 4 trips to get x-ray, Beau is wilting. S-ray finally comes through, no obstruction, gets fluids and told to take pepcid, good-bue $220.00 Momperson not happy and still worried about Beau. Need drool! Dadperson will be home in a few hours and theen Momperson will retire. Oh, and the dryer no longer works. Happy homecoming Dadperson. Honey is very loving, Dadperson is coming off a 4 day basset withdrawl, the 2 should be happy together. I hope Butttercup is over her tantrums over food and is not too jealous of Honey and Dadperson. She does deem to like her when not concered over tidbit loss. Sue K Mompers to Beau, very droopy, Buttercup, very anxious and Honey, very confused, and the cats ,very happy we dod not bring home a cat/<br><br /><hr />Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Storage?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Storage1_052009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>