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Calling all Basset Crap collectors and rescue supporters...<BR>
WABR has 16 AMAZING raffles still avail (last week to buy tics)<BR>
<A href="http://www.WABR.net">http://www.WABR.net</A><BR>
FREE shipping to all out of town winners!!!<BR>
ALL money goes to help homeless Hounds!<BR>
<STRONG>$1 ea 6 for $5 12 for $10</STRONG><BR>
Sales have been very slow, so you have an even greater chance of winning one of these WONDERFUL lots of goodies!<BR>
Winners drawn live SAT May 30 at the 11th Annual Basset Blast event<BR>
Exclusive, handmade Basset Mardi Gras themed quilt made by Martha Knoll<BR>
Collectible Basset statues, art and accessories<BR>
Giftcards for Bloomingdales, Macy's, Nordstrom & MORE!<BR>
Beautifully wrapped gift baskets FULL of great stuff<BR>
Check them out! <A href="http://www.WABR.net">http://www.WABR.net</A><BR>
Ahhhrrrooo's of thanks and lots of DROOLy kisses,<BR>
Mary Charbonneau<BR>
WABR Fundraising Coordinator<BR><br /><hr />Insert movie times and more without leaving HotmailŪ. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/QuickAdd?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_QuickAdd1_052009' target='_new'>See how.</a></body>