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I have uploaded a video onto You Tube of DOT - The Ringer. DOT is a boxer from Longueuil Quebec Canada who was sent in to win the bowling game at the Michigan Basset Rescue Off Lead Picnic this past weekend. If you did not witness this in person go and check out this video. It is a real treat. <A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u6S-blnm6o">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u6S-blnm6o</A>I <BR>
<BR><br /><hr />HotmailŪ has a new way to see what's up with your friends. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/WhatsNew?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_WhatsNew1_052009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>