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It is a gray humid day here. We broke down and turned on the air conditioner before June. Certain bassets and humans are applauding this move. Well, not exactly applauding but liking it just the same. The girls are showing their approval by snoozing in the family room. <BR>
Boyslave #3 has finals this week and we are attempting to study today. Mom is studying more than he is but at least he is doing something. Marley has been helping by laying on her back in his lap presenting her belly for rubs. He is in the dad's chair an she is the dad's girl so if the dad isn't in the chair then anyone will do. <BR>
He moved to the loveseat and Marley went with him but Maggie was so jealous that she tried to climb on Nic's head. Right now Maggie is asleep on Nic's arm over his head. Ninja is asleep next to Maggie's butt and all is right with the world. <BR>
Shelby is asleep in the donut. She is going to stay here with us. I just couldn't send her out into the world on her own. She has me a little worried today because she didn't want her breakfast. This is a girl who NEVER turns down food of any kind except for vegetation. She eventually ate the top of the bowl so we will see about dinner. <BR>
Marley is itching again. She has two really red raw spots on her tail and in the crevice of an arm. Doesn't look like the other stuff but we are going to bathe her in the anti-fungus shampoo in a few minutes. I think she just has skin issues that we don't understand. Maybe she is reacting to the heat. I just hope it dies down soon.<BR>
We hope everyone is having a peaceful and nice Saturday afternoon and Memorial Day Weekend. Please take a few moments to remember those who gave all so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. And remember those who are far from home this weekend keeping those freedoms safe. There is nothing free about the freedoms we enjoy. <BR>
Julie, Ninja, Marley, Maggie and Shelby<BR><br /><hr />Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Storage?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Storage1_052009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>