<div>Rupert here and boy oh boy, these slaves can turn on you in a heartbeat. humphf! I cellybrate my 1 year anniversary last week. 1 year of being gotcha'd and one year of the slaves learning how cool I be and how much better I be than Cowboy...err sorry bro, didnt see you there. ok ok we eekwall but nebermind all that noise, this is mmm'portant. </div>
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<div>after one year ov me showering the slaves wif me lub and laying in da bed to keep them warm the mommaslave jus turns on me fur no reezon. i be sleepin all snuggly on da couch when suddenly i awakend and get this, brudder elwood and brudder henry be tellin the truth. dese wimmen will cut off you toebones! yup in my sleep she try to cut off my toebones. and i was havin such a good slumber wif dreams of bootiful houndettes that she suxeeded in chopping 4 of my 20 toebones off before i woke up. well i not having any of this. i run like hell when she turn on the grinder. den she chasing me around like "oh it ok ru" "oh you be fine" "jus lemme file the sharp parts." i say "NO WAY HO ZAY!! there wouldnt be no sharp parts if you hadnt jus chopped off my feet!" </div>
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<div>humphfffff humphffff humpfffff. dats all i gotta say bout that. i think i might have to start wearing da socks dat i always steal...at least when im sleeping dats fur sure! humphffff! </div>
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<div>oh and to make matters worse - cowboy not ever need he toebones chopped cuz mom say he walk all perfect and cuts he own toebones just perfectly by walking. well humphfff to he too! </div>
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<div>lub, </div>
<div>toeless rupert<br clear="all"></div>
<div></div><br>-- <br>Cow: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/531112</a> <br>Ru: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/799430</a> <br><br><br>