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Only 24 hours left to buy your raffle tickets online via PayPal before the 11th Annual Basset Blast in Spokane, WA this SAT 05/30!<BR>
There are still 3 raffles that have absolutely NO TICKETS in them so your odds are great (but I can't reveal which ones they are)!<BR>
If you haven't checked out the 16 amazing lots of goodies, please see the website at: <A href="http://www.wabr.net">http://www.wabr.net</A><BR>
There's a one-of-a-kind quilt handmade by Martha Knoll featuring a partying Mardi Gras Basset, artwork, rare Basset statues, oodles of unique houndy items, non-dog items and even MORE!!! Each raffle is valued at 100s of dollars!<BR>
In this economy, every penny counts and 100% of monies raised from these raffles goes to rescuing Bassets!<BR>
All raffle tickets purchased up 'til 5pm PST today will be emailed to buyers tonight. All purchases tonight until 10pm tomorrow will be emailed Fri 5/29.<BR>
Please buy your raffle tickets now, homeless hounds are depending on us!<BR>
Many snooter kisses, ahhhhrrrooo's and houndy hugs,<BR>
Mary Charbonneau, Fundraising Coordinator<BR>
Washington Basset Rescue<BR>
<A href="http://www.wabr.net">http://www.wabr.net</A><BR>
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