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We're just over 12 hours away from the 11th annual Basset Blast.<BR>
For those who purchased raffle tickets, I emailed your numbers, good luck!<BR>
Weather for Sat in Spokane Valley, WA is going to be in the 80s. We hope to see you at the park for the contests, silent auctions, raffles and of course, lots of fun, laughs & sniffs!<BR>
Winning raffle numbers and names will be posted online tomorrow, for those who entered, keep your paws crossed and THANK YOU for your continued support!<BR>
Ahhhrrrooo's, belly rubs and lots of snooter kisses...<BR>
Mary Charbonneau, Fundraising Coordinator<BR>
Washington Basset Rescue<BR>
<A href="http://www.wabr.net">http://www.wabr.net</A><BR>
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