I've had Brutus since February. A couple of droolers hooked us up. Our relationship has had some ups and downs, but I think more ups than downs. We had to go to the vet 2-3 months ago because he was constipated. While there Brutus shook his head in typical basset fashion and flung drool everywhere. This time it was bloody. Obviously the vet wanted to figure out why and it was discovered that the poor guy had a tumor in the side of his mouth. She said it was a fatty tumor and might grow big enough to obstruct his breathing or his eating. <br>
<br>Fast forward to now. The tumor has grown so big it sticks out of his mouth like it's another tongue. It bleeds constantly and it can't be comfortable. The vet says it probably is causing him some pain. Aside from this, he's relatively healthy for a 10 yr old dog. At this point it's not known if he would survive a surgery and if he does it's a distinct possibility that the tumor would grow back.<br>
<br>We have a vet appointment tomorrow to have the tumor examined again. The vet will tell me at that time whether she can do surgery, what kind of pain he's in, what his chances of surviving the surgery are, etc... I don't know what I'll do if I'm told he won't survive a surgery. A dog with a bloody tumor hanging from his mouth and drooling blood can't be taken anywhere without horrifying people and so is forced to stay at home. Plus, if he's in pain, do you leave him in pain for another 6 months to a year? I hate making decisions like this.<br>