<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>It's two months today that I picked Mango up from animal control. Miss Mango is continuing to do well after her surgery and is healing quite nicely. There is one small spot on her hip that is still slow to close, but over all, it's been an amazing recovery. This week, she did have some soft stools, then began licking at her bum, so I though maybe things were a tad irritated and put the BiteNot collar on to let everything calm down. She was still a little red and swollen back there, so we went in to see the VetLady today. First off, at the weigh in, everyone oohed and ahhed at the weight gain (she's gained 3.5 lbs! - why don't people throw a party when I gain weight?) and commented on how good she looks. A lady in to pick up a prescription got on the floor and gave very nice ear scrtiches. Then we moved to the back, and the delicate prodding. Poor Mango has very inflammed anal glands. Fortunately, they don't appear abscessed, so no antibiotics, just some betamethasone cream for the area under her tail to calm things down. She needs to wear the collar for another day or two until the inflammation subsides. The VetLady said the glands feel very thickened, like she's had trouble with them for a long time. We are going back in 3 weeks for a recheck, and will probably be on a monthy schedule to have them expressed to avoid further trouble. Just one more thing for this sweet little girl....but she takes it all in stride!<br><br>I did tell NEBHR that I'd like to keep Mango here, and they agreed, so she will get to live here until it's time to head to the Bridge :-) Kahuna is thrilled with this. He has been playing with her - very gently....He hops around like a jumping bean, then lays his head on the ground in front of her, and she postures and jumps back. Mango lets him know when she's had enough and tells him to back off, but he really likes to play with her. Consdering his standard bulldozer technique when playing, it is quite something to see how he handles her with kid gloves.<br><br>TIme to get dinner for everyone...the choir is tuning up.<br><br>Drool to all in need!<br>Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time<br>Bid, Barney, Zuma, Kahuna, Pearl, Mango<br>Ace, Maya, Sage, Kirby<br></div></body></html>