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<DIV><FONT face="Verdana, sans-serif">Alison wrote: " For the past week he has started to <BR>pant very heavily, drooling ( which honestly is not normal for him) and <BR>cannot find a place for himself. This happens at all different times of the <BR>day or evening. The weirdest thing is that when he disappear, I sneak around to find him, and he is always in my bathroom. "<BR></FONT></DIV>
<DIV>Our dear departed Cujo (kids named her as a joke, turned out she was</DIV>
<DIV>a fear-biter- very protective) did this. If it is really not a medical issue,</DIV>
<DIV>I wonder if you have any thunder storms, or other noise? Cujo was terrified</DIV>
<DIV>of thunder, fireworks, and any similiar noises her whole life. She would do</DIV>
<DIV>exactly the above and could not be consoled. We have been having daily</DIV>
<DIV>storms here, and even if you can't hear the thunder, he probably can. Cujie</DIV>
<DIV>headed for the bathroom, too. I think the noise was less there. Even the</DIV>
<DIV>neighbor using the weed wacker upset her. She was like that her whole life,</DIV>
<DIV>however, so not sure why he would have started at this age. Our Sasha went</DIV>
<DIV>to go out the sliding doors a couple days ago, though, and just then there</DIV>
<DIV>was a lightning bolt, (no thunder). She high-tailed it back in and wouldn't </DIV>
<DIV>go out there the rest of the day (we have a balcony on the front of the house-- Sasha the queen enjoys residing there and making sure there are</DIV>
<DIV>no intruders in our cul de sac) <BR></DIV>
<DIV class=signature id=signature>--<BR>Marilyn Briggs <BR></DIV>