<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000'><P>Dis Nigel, Llewis an I guess Conley.</P>
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<P>It bin very slo aroun here. Too hotta stay ousside. MomPerson she call we in affer jus a few minuts. Same almoss as in da winner when it too colt. So we godda meke we ouwn ennertamemint.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>We bin gibbin stuff ta Conley.</P>
<P>Yestiddy I gib him too ob dem thingies ta put da gless on on da tebel, whachallem, Llewis? Coosters. Cohsters. Sumfin like dat. He dun et part ob won an chewd up part of da other. Bwaaahahaha. DadPerson tooked won awey an MPerson tookt da odder. Dey boff yellt at him. Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahha.</P>
<P>Den dis mornin I gotted he a book offa da bookkaase. A pepperbek. He et da cober an da firss 2 peges an den MPerson dun cawt he an yellt at he an tookt da book whut she ain't eben started yet. She humfing all ober da place, growlin an snortin.</P>
<P>So den he fines a liddel blek thing whut MPerson stik she eerrings on whut she mede to sell. An he chunked dat all up an MPerson she heer him chunking on dis-- it plestik-- an tekt it away. Now she growlin unner she breff an stompin. She neber even yellt at Conley since she done leff it onna floor.</P>
<P>So den he foun a green peace ob pepper on da floor whut MPerson dropt outta she poket. It wonna dem papers hab nummers onit. Dis won have 2 nummers a too and ziro. He chewin onit when MPerson catckched him an NOW she yellin an hollerin an fumin an she teket it away an DadPerson rush out an say whut whut whut he hab and she not wannim to nose she dropt it an so she say oh nuffin new. Nuffin. He unnerfoot.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>We takes we fun where we fine it.</P>
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<P>Love an Drool to all in need,</P>
<P>Nigel an Llewis an yeh, go ahet, Conley:</P>
<P> </P>
<P>I Cnly</P>
<P>I luv yu</P>
<P>Lu, Cnly<BR></P></div></body></html>