<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">An "OUCH" to the poster who was a little rough on our Drooler friend who asked about the mouse trap.... I know you're trying to help, but TONE, please!! We're friendly here!<br><br>To the "Moused" poster: The sticky traps are kind of awful for the critter stuck in them, but our exterminator told us that mineral oil will remove the sticky from said critter. We know this works because Addie-Lou Roo the Baby Kangaroo-Basset decided to decorate herself a couple of times with chewed-up sticky traps. Imagine a Basset puppy with one of those things plastered on her head, ears, nose, and one big paw in the mess....I wish I'd gotten a good picture. Addie took her revenge, though, and chewed up four of those traps. They are non-toxic, but that glue is really sticky. <br><br>If you want to get rid of your mouse
problem, you're probably going to have to use something with a little more force such as the snap trap or the live-catch "have-a-heart" type traps and then empty them. Perhaps a c@t could be added to your menagerie???<br><br>I'm in agreement with what previous posters have said about back surgery recovery. A year ago Pelly ruptured a disc in his back and we were very fortunate to get him to a specialty vet/surgeon within about 2 hours of his injury. They xrayed, mylegrammed, and decided that surgery was the best bet for him. He came through it, spent 6 weeks in rehab doing an underwater treadmill and lots of PT, then came home to more continued PT. His best therapy, however, was the adoption of the aforementioned Addie-Lou Roo about 3 months after his surgery. She gave him a real reason to get up and walk on his own--if nothing other than to get away from her needle-like puppy teeth, but also to play with her
and teach her things. My other two girls would also play with Addie, but it was "Big Brother" Pelly who was her primary baby sitter and general supervisor. He still is, and they really loves each other. A year and two months after his accident, Pelly is up walking--albeit with a bit of a swagger to his right hip. He tires a little more easily, but he is still active and "galumphs" his way around the yard with his "sisters". <br><br>We did invest in a sling for him to help him in those first weeks when he was still not quite able to get up on his own. I was recommende to use a "WalkAbout" (http://www.walkaboutharnesses.com/) sling by the Veterinary PT. It's made of neoprene (like wetsuits), and fits like a pair of pants. The company is really great to work with, very helpful, and actually makes the sling to fit the measurements of the individual dog. They will put longer handle straps on the harness
for a Basset to compensate for those short Basset legs, too.<br><br>On another note, we could use a little drool in our house. My big Love-Puppy Pelly is going in to the vetspital early tomorrow morning to have some lumps and bumps removed and a dental. He's got one big old fatty cyst that is the size of a small tangerine that just HAS to come off, and a few other smaller bumps we're not quite sure of. We are hoping that everything will go well and he will be up and around in a couple of days, but he will do some of his post-surgery convalescence at the vetspital so that Nurse Jasmine and Nurse Addie Lou Roo don't drive him crazy trying to "tend" to his wounds. I have tried using Bitter Apple or Bitter Yuck to keep the "nurses" away from him, but they absolutely LOVE the flavor of the stuff, and it seems they lick it even more. So, Pelly wil visit the "spa" for a couple of days.<br><br>Whatever-You-Need Drool and houndie
hugs and kisses to all.....<br><br>Lisa Metzler<br>Penelope, Jasmine, Pelly, and Addie-Lou Roo the Baby Kangaroo Basset<br> <br><br><div><div><div><font color="#c00000" face="comic sans ms" size="3">L.K. Metzler<br>San Marcos, TX </font></div> <div><font color="#c00000" face="Comic Sans MS" size="3"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:toppogigio@yahoo.com">toppogigio@yahoo.com</a></font></div> <div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><span style=""><font face="comic sans ms"><font color="#c00000" size="3"></font></font></span> </div> <div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><span style=""><font face="comic sans ms"><font color="#c00000" size="3">"A dog wags its tail with its heart." - Martin Buxbaum </font></font></span></div> <div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><font color="#c00000" face="comic sans ms" size="3"><span style=""> <div>"If dogs could talk it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one." -- Andy Rooney