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Oh No! Rupert has Swine flu! If he breaks out in rashers, Kacy, be sure to get him some oinkment!<BR>
I store 20 lbs. of Flint River Ranch food in a Vittle Vault - gone in about 3 weeks and then we clean the vittle vault. It makes a cool sound when you whirrrrrrrr open the lid and sends the dogs running to the kitchen! Most important thing is to dry the Vittle Vault upside down all day before re-filling it. Has worked well for us in hot/humid/buggy Florida! Oh and I forgot to mention thre are 2 VV's going at all times - one with Senior Plus food and one with Puppy and Dog!<BR>
The Colonel has left Kabul and is in Kuwait - on his way home. Thanks for the continued safe travel Drool!<BR>
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<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU and the all Bassets all the time BASSETKU!</FONT></EM></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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