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I think I sent a post last night but don't see it. I must have been dreaming. The houndettes are having their after dinner naps and the kitties are lying low. DaVinci hurt his paw somehow last night but won't let us get near enough to see what he did. He loves the boyslave a lot but not us. He is lounging somewhere out of sight. <BR> <BR>I think we will be keeping the kitties for a while. They are really handsome guys and I know there are so many other cats without homes. They make my eyes really itchy so I have to keep them away from my face. Of course Picasso has decided I am his new best friend and he loves to rub me across the face whenever he can. <BR> <BR>The kitties and the girls must have agreed on a truce. There is little chasing, bellowing, hissing and smacking these days. Marley and DaVinci kissed yesterday sort of accidentally and Ninja and Picasso did a full length body rub with no fireworks. Now when I come home there are five animals at the door. Picasso comes too. <BR> <BR>As far as dogs listening better than kids I would have to say they don't. And then again, I think they listen but ignore. Both groups are masters of selective hearing. And speaking of boys and cars and middle of the night things, we had one this past weekend. I still have steam coming out of my ears. I hate being awakened by phone calls in the middle of the night. They are never good news. At least the bassets don't drive or have cell phones, yet. <BR> <BR>Congratulations to Justin. How wonderful to still be enjoying life at your age. Way to go.<BR> <BR>Drool and snooters to all who need them. <BR>Ninja, Marley, Maggie, Shelby, and the kitties<BR>and Mom too<BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_BR_life_in_synch_062009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>