Dis Brudder Elwood. I a doin da pawin in tonite. Momma seyz she be tired. Da holeday bee busy. We hab companies. Yup da kat peepul whut be berry nice com. Da beagle peeps com, Momma doin da cookin. She tired.<br>
But furst I sey da impawtant wurds. Thank You to all whut send Sister Daisy the birfdey wishes. She hab good dey, she got steak and burgerz and toy and collar and she now old lady. Jus whut da Brudder Elwood needz. Elder Clara junior on da looze round me home. I deal wif dis. But back to da nooze.<br>
We send drool to Queen Olibe. We hope she doin otay an com to Slobberfest. <br>
We berry glad dat Miss Wen a takin dem houndies to Houndsabound. Elder Clara dun got her earflaps in a knot ober dat, she back on da perch now. <br>
Dat all da Brudder rememberz rite now, cause I gotz liddel story. It heppin dis mornin. <br>
Sister Daisy git new toy fur her dey. Brudder Jake see da new toy, we all a pleyin in da hall, and Sister Daisy showin off da toy, and Brudder Jake seyz I gib dat toy a liddel try it. He take it frum Sister Daisy. Brudder Elwood MOOBE. RITE NOW, I MOOBE.<br>
Well Sister Daisy she go haewirez.She smash Brudder Jake to da floor, she grab him earflap, she stand rite up on herz back legz, she grab da neckbone, she screamin, Elder Clara show up an watch. She at da odder end ob da hall.<br>
Den it heppin. <br>
Momma an Daddy run, and Momma smash inta fite wif her legbones an break it up. Daddy grab Brudder Jake whut got da beedoggies knocked out ob him by Sister Daisy, an Momma draggin Sister Daisy outta dere. <br>
Brudder Elwood seez it all. I fink. I put dat in da brainspace. No mess wif dat toy. Keep eyeballz on Sister Daisy whut den go git on da perch. Sister Daisy on da perch I seyz??? <br>
Brudder Elwood need bacation frum da home. I finkin dis Penseebania lookin gud.<br>
Brudder Elwood ready to ride.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts<br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds</div>
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