<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>I started a note last week for Bud's birthday, but never finished. He was 12 years old on 6/30! Everyone had a piece of carrot cake and Bud got some grilled shrimp on his dinner, so everyone was happy.<br><br>As for the loud noises, Zuma is the one here who has had a problem. He was never extreme, but thunderstorms resulted in drooling, pacing, whining. He's a bit of a drama queen and generally jumpy too. Last year we had almost daily thunderstorms. So for the whole summer, Zuma got Rescue Remedy and his Anxiety Tabs three times a day - in the morning, the pet sitter gave them at noon, and again before bed. By the end of the summer he was doing quite well and this year he really doesn't seem bothered by loud noises. He sat next to me on the couch on the 4th while the neighbors did all the boomers, but no drooling at all. He's really settled down and I think treating him consistantly all last summer helped desensitize him to the noises. I still give him the Rescue Remedy if I know something is happening, but he has been fine even without it. We never needed Ace, or anything else that strong, but Zuma definitely was a worrier.<br><br>Drool to all who need it!<br><br>Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time<br>Bud (I'm 12 years old!), Barney (so what, so am I), Zuma (no worries!), Kahuna, Pearl, Mango<br>Ace, Maya, Sage, Kirby<br></div></body></html>