<div>Hello Everyone,</div>
<div> Hunter is gearing up to go to the Oregon Basset Hound Games next weekend!!!! He has me working on a few things for him and wanted to know how many of his friends from here were going? He hopes he is going to see Gracie again!!!! They got along realy good last year!! Hopfulily he don't cheat like he did last year....<img style="MARGIN: 0px 0.2ex; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" height="12" src="cid:362@goomoji.gmail" width="12" goomoji="362"> Last year he wouldn't go threw the tunnel and figured out it colapsed so he walked over it hehehe. He hopes this year there won't be any tunnels LOL... He had a blast last year so he is hoping to have as much fun this year!!!!!!</div>
<div>Hugs and drool to all,</div>
<div>Shelli food slave to Hunter, Harley and Levi</div>