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<br>Listen to your hounds.....<br><br>.....last night Millie was in and out of the doggy door and barking, barking barking. It was in the early hours and we couldn't think what was bothering her.<br><br>Daddy-slave went downstairs to see whether she and Alfie were having a disaggrement about the sleeping arrangements (as they often do) but all seemed to be OK.<br><br>A little while later we hear an almightly crash.<br><br>First thought: cripes what have THEY done!<br><br>Turns out however, that it was a big old mulberry tree that had fallen over. Millie must have heard it creaking throughout the night. Good job Daddy-slave hadn't gone outside to investigate! <br><br>Hilary, Alfie and Millie<br> <br><br /><hr />
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