Dis Brudder Elwood. Yup, it be me. I still a kickin, dat specul droolz helpin to heel da Brudder wif him aspburnz. I go back an see me Doc todey, git me picsure dun again, sey hey to all da specul girlz, an hab liddel chat wif me Doc. Youze all know whut da Brudder eatz. Momma an Daddie been a chasin all ob we wif da plate fur deyz, da Brudder hab no pribacy when I teke me dumpz. I gittin liddel anooied wif dis, an den dis mornin, I git up, I don't git no food, no waterz, an she put me in da car. We go on ober to Doc's, I go on ta da back, sey hey Doc, how be youze weekend? Yup, I do da poop, I pley, but Momma seyz nuffin in me poop. Doc teke da pisure, an go talk to me Momma. Doc seyz I gotz sumfin whut he says in me colon, whutebber dat is, an he ain't a seein dat chunker whut be dere da odder dey, but he kinnder finkin dat I got tummy ob da billiegoat, an it be broke on up in dere to liddel chunkerz cause it not in da yard, an wif da stuffz dis was, he seyz go home, hab youze food, and watch da poop fur liddel chunkerz an iffin youze got da problum, git on back to seez me. He seyz we ain't a usin no knife todey. <br>
Dis all gud.<br>
Momma dun run out ob da specul forks to mash da poop. She usin a spoon an a knife an da peepulz dat lib round us fink Momma and Daddie beery poor cause they put da poop on da plate and teke it on up to da teble whut be outside, an huddle ober da plate.<br>
I be wunderin bout dem too. Me home bee in whut dey call a uproarz.<br>
I ain't gonna eatz nuffin bad agin till next time, why dat not ebbin tasty.<br>
Momma here, thanking everyone for the drool and well wishes, my 4 legged monster is back on the roll, and we are still on poop watch, but feel like Doc, with the composition of the chunk, it is breaking up. We have found a grit/sand like substance in his poop, and are hoping no more visits are needed. Drool made things slide in the right direction- we are sure-we thank you all so much for the calls and notes, you all are so very wonderful.<br>
-----I have this mental picture of someone looking in our trash--plate after plate of poop-----<br>
Drool to all in need, it works miracles-<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts<br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds</div>
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