<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">We are the lucky parents of Drake, whom we adopted from CBHR. He had a missing eye due to severe infection and enucleation at the time of his rescue. I am moved to write you because after about two months at his forever home, he suddenly lost sight in his remaining eye. The diagnosis was glaucoma, and we did follow with the injections, whch in our case lowered his pressure effectively. While you may not want to read this right now, I want to reassure you that, even if the worst happens and sight is lost in the remaining eye, you will still have a happy little guy with a good and full life. (Sometimes I think looking head-on at the worst possible reduces some fear of the unknown.) Drake has adjusted so beautifully: He can get around in our house just fine, navigates the steps on our decks outside, hits the
fenced-in yard nose-first every day as he did before, and joins his two basset brothers in a good run to the fence whenever a prowler (read neighbors' dog or careless squirrel) ventures too close. He gets his lovin' and his food and excercise and belly rubs: in other words, his life is full. He's still our happy guy.I wish I had known that was possible the day of his diagnosis, and I do hope this helps. Meanwhile, Onslow, Louie, and Drake send lots of drool to Otis...Chris, David, and the boys.</td></tr></table>