Can added stress on an animal cause fatty lumps, or cause them to get bigger? I found 2 small lumps on Joey a couple months ago (they were too small to even needle aspirate), and doc. theorized they were fatty deposits, and I just noticed yesterday that they had definitely increased in size (from a pea to about a small jawbreaker), and they're still quite soft & squishy & not connected to anything, and Joey doesn't seem to feel them at all. Our older dog, Crispin, has a bunch of the lipomas, and he's about 1yr. older than Joey, so we're pretty sure that's what they are. (But, I'm me, so I'm taking him to the vet tonight for a final once over before we move). But, I've noticed that Joey's been a bit more clingy as of late, and he's changed his behavior to doing things like refussing to go out & demanding to be walked instead. We're assuming he's a bit stressed at our "funny actions" of late; boxing everything up, cleaning & moving things about, new smelling stuff coming into the house, etc. So, I'm wondering, could the stress about the impending move be causing the fatty lumps to grow in size?<br>
-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href=""></a><br><br>GABR Waddle Pledge page: <a href=""></a> <br>