<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Ahroo, everyone - Dozer Boneworthy here, pawin' in to give an update on the state of well, what's going on with us. First of all, we are prisoners in our very own home. I have searched high and low, well, um...er - hehe mostly low, hehe - for our door to the outside and must finally admit WE DO NOT HAVE ONE! The slaves allow us to share their deck, however, and though it does not allow us access to the delightful smelling wooded area below, the smell of deer, bunnies, and yes, even those black and white kitties, often wafts through the air.<br>
The slaves have attempted to make up for this travesty by taking us on regular walkies. Do I get to meander at my own pace, lifting my leg as often as I choose? No, I am tethered to Delilah who doesn't understand the need of a relaxed constitutional, especially in the morning. I am forced to walk at HER pace! Harumph...oh, well - it has gotten the lazy slaves off their derrieres and into the fresh air - so all is not lost. <br>
We do NOT, however, enjoy being FORCED to walk in inclement weather. Not at all. So, to display my displeasure at getting thoroughly soaked while the slaves carried a water-deferring device, I vigorously wiped my head, snooter and neck on the Mamaslaves clothing. Share and share alike I say... <br>
I have also counseled the slaves about picking up the pace of emptying the packing boxes in the dining room by marking each unopened box for them, hehehe. They have rudely requested I refrain from this type of help.<br>
Anyroo, drool to all who need it. Godspeed to all those making their way to the Bridge...and Happy Birthday to all those celebrating. Regarding brains, Brudder Elwood. Like my dear departed granny used to say, "When the fruit is ripe it will fall from the tree." Brains come when you are ready to use them, youngster. <br>
Dozer Boneworthy Lowrider<br>
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