<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Dear Brudder Elwood, We are new at posting, but we have your book and worship you from afar. We were very sorry to hear about your neighbor. It was good your momma was home to help. We feel it necessary to warn you about those weemerhammerz. Our momma works with Weemerhammerz Rescue. There hasn't been a foster for a long time, because she flunked with the last one, our big sister, Bunny. They got some big teeth, and they can come right over that fence if you bite them on their nose. They're a little bit touchy about that. They're also called the Gray Ghost, and you know those are scary! Our momma loves us very much, but she says she needs to have a Wemmerhammer around so when she asks us all to do something, at least one will actually do it. You all better watch your noses
till the weemerhamerz go home. We don't think even elder Clara would win there! </DIV>
<DIV>Yogi, Carlie Jane and Saint Bunny </DIV></td></tr></table>